Saturday 30 March
Read Luke 24:13-53
Lk 24:13-35 – It seems these disciples thought it had all
ended in the tomb. There was no way they
could believe this stranger walking with them was Jesus; until, in his breaking
of bread – they recognized him.
Lk 24:36-49 – When Jesus meets his disciples in the upper
room he reminds them why he came.
“Repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to
all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.”
We can know that we are forgiven, and we can tell others that they can
be forgiven to – because of Jesus.
Lk 24:50-53 – Jesus was taken up to heaven; the disciples
returned to the temple to worship and wait – for the Holy Spirit to give them
Thank God for the gift that he has given us in inspiring
Luke to tell the story of Jesus. Pray
for the Spirit’s power to help you to go out and continue telling this story to
the world.