Luke in 33 Days: Luke 16:14–17:19


Tuesday 19 March

Read Luke 16:14–17:19


Lk 16:14-18 – Verse 18 is not about divorce, it seems to be about the love of money.  Jesus seems to be accusing the Pharisees of leaving God (the first wife) and marrying money.
Lk 16:19-31 – How seriously are you willing to take the Bible’s command to care for the poor?
Lk 17:1-10 – Sometimes when we do good we feel insulted if no one praises us or thanks us.  In fact we sometimes seem to think that God should bless us when we do all that is expected of us.
Lk 17:11-19 – Only one leper bothers to give thanks for what was done.  Do you complain more than you give thanks?


Spend some time giving thanks.