Luke in 33 Days: Luke 13:18–14:14

Saturday 16 March

Read Luke 13:18–14:14


Lk 13:18-21 – These two passages speak of the Kingdom of God and how it subtly changes the world.  If we live as citizens of the Kingdom the whole world will be improved.
Lk 13:22-30 – Many of the words that we read when we read through every part of a gospel are more challenging than the words we get used to – the safe ones that we choose to read.  Do Jesus words of judgment make you anxious?
Lk 13:31-35 – This passage is a reminder of the direction Jesus’ journey is taking him in.  To the cross; to Jerusalem.
Lk 14:1-14 – The passage speaks for itself.


Luke 14:10 – What would it mean to you to hear Jesus say, “Friend, move up higher.”