Thursday 14 March
Read Luke 12:13–40
Lk 12:13-21 – A warning against storing up treasures for
ourselves, but not being rich toward God.
How are you being selfish at the moment?
How can you be more generous?
Lk 12:22-34 – Jesus instructs his followers not to worry too
much about providing for themselves he encourages them to live generously and
trust in God for provision. How can you
live more simply?
Lk 12:35-40 – This passage reminds me of school, the teacher
would leave the classroom but the class would remain silent in the knowledge
that his/her return was imminent. If
Jesus were to return today; how would he find you?
Pray for perspective when it comes to looking after your own
wealth and posessions. Ask God to help
us let go a little of our desire to control so much. Spend some time listening; perhaps imagining
what Jesus would have to say to you if he returned today.