Wednesday 13 March
Read Luke 11:29–12:12
Lk 11:29-32 – The ‘Sign of Jonah’ was the fact that when
Jonah preached to the Ninevites they repented and turned to God
immediately. The people to whom Jesus
preached were reluctant to hear his message.
Lk 11:33-36 – As Jesus criticizes the scribes and the
Pharisees he speaks of the need to be ‘clean inside and out’. Will you allow God to cleanse you inside?
Lk 11:37-54 – Jesus criticizes the religious leaders very
harshly; they respond aggressively – looking for ways to catch him. How do you respond to criticism?
Lk 12:1-12 – This passage is a warning not to deny Christ or
the Holy Spirit by our actions. It is also encouragement – God will look after
you! Are we brave enough to do / say
what is right?
Pray for an open heart to hear Jesus’ word spoken to you
personally. Pray for light to help you
work out the areas of darkness in your own life. Pray for courage to live faithful to Jesus’
message of grace and love.