Luke in 33 Days - Luke 22:35-71

Wednesday 27 March

Read Luke 22:35–71


Lk 22:35-38 – On Jesus final day he begins to make the disciples more aware of the future that they can anticipate.  In the past they could expect hospitality; but after this moment they will begin to experience hostility.
Lk 22:39-46 – Jesus prays in Gethsemane. 
Lk 22:47-53 – The temple guards come to arrest Jesus.  Jesus points out the dishonesty in their action – why must they do what they are doing at night?
Lk 22:54-62 – Jesus’ prophesy is fulfilled; Peter denies him, and yet we read earlier that Jesus prayed for his restoration even before his failure.
Lk 22:63-71 – When Jesus on trial we see his faithfulness; he could have denied his vocation, he could have lied about who he was – but he held true.


In Gethsemane Jesus emerges through his time of trial victoriously saying to God; not my will but yours be done.  Pray for strength in times of trial.