Luke in 33 Days: Luke 18:15-19:10

Thursday 21 March

Read Luke 18:15–19:10


Lk 18:15-17 – If children are brought up with the values of Jesus’ Kingdom living the kingdom life will be completely natural to them.  On the other hand – each of us need to receive the kingdom as ‘children’.
Lk 18:18-30 – Following the thought of Lk 16:1-13 Jesus counsels those who have resources to use them to bless others.  If they do they will get back more than they lose.  The rich man goes away sad because he was very attached to his possessions.
Lk 18:31-34 – When we read 18-30 we think how hard it would be to share what we have.  When Jesus tells how he will offer his life; no one understands.  Jesus’ graceful generosity is such a foreign concept that we are often blind to it.
Lk 18:35-43 – Jesus’ healings are miracles that heal people’s body – but they are also the easiest way to describe the healing of souls.
Lk 19:1-10 – When Zacchaeus meets with Jesus he makes a lot of changes.  Giving some of his possessions to the poor and promising restitution for those he might have defrauded.


“Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”