Luke in 33 Days: Read Luke 5:17–6:16


Monday 4 March

Read Luke 5:17–6:16


In this section we read two stories of miraculous healing.  Jesus heals a paralytic who was lowered through the roof while he was busy teaching.  The other healing is the healing of a man with a withered hand.
Both instances of healing bring out the worst in the Pharisees – they are concerned with Jesus’ obedience to the law: “How can you forgive sins?”  “How can you heal on the Sabbath?”
Jesus reminds us that “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.”
A reminder that God’s law is there to set us free, to bring healing, not to bind and destroy us.
And so Jesus’ reaches out to sinners to bring them healing – and that further scandalizes the Pharisees.


Sometimes we allow the law to bind us more than to set us free.  Our obsession with rules causes us to bind ourselves up in self judgment and self justification. We then impose our own sense of guilt on others.
Pray for wisdom in understanding and applying God’s law.