Luke in 33 Days: Read Luke 4:31–5:16


Sunday 3 March

Read Luke 4:31–5:16


“I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other cities also; for I was sent for this purpose.”
Jesus tells us that his purpose was to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God.  His message is not ‘just’ spiritual; it is also about a way of living – a regime.
For the task of spreading the news of the Kingdom Jesus enlists helpers like Peter, James and John and Jesus message was so compelling and so important that these disciples “Left everything and followed him” to become ‘fishers of men.’
Do you realize how important the good news of the kingdom of God is for the world?


In the Lord’s prayer we are taught to pray: “Your Kingdom come!”  Spend some time praying for and dreaming of the kind of Kingdom God would want to see in our world.  Ask God to show you an area of your life that you can submit to his reign.