Luke in 33 Days: Read Luke 2:21–52

Thursday 28 February

Read Luke 2:21–52


In this passage Jesus is named; his Hebrew name Yeshua means ‘God Saves,’  A reminder of God’s grace to us in sending Jesus – not because of our righteousness but because of his love – he rescues, saves us, redeems us.  After his naming ceremony the Holy Spirit prompts Simeon to prophesy over Jesus, and also Anna – who ‘began to speak about the child to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem.’
Jesus’ name and the prophecies about him speak of the hope that we can have in him; Hope that does not disappoint. 
These 31 verses are about all we know of the first 30 or so years of Jesus’ life.
Verse 52 sums it up:
‘And Jesus increased in wisdom and in years, and in divine and human favour.’


If Jesus had to increase in wisdom and in divine and human favour; then I’m sure we do too.  Pray for wisdom.  Also pray for hope – especially for those whom you know are struggling without hope at this time.

Luke in 33 Days

Here are links to the hand outs for week 1 and week 2 if you would like to read through Luke's gospel in time for Easter.

Its not too late to start, feel free to download and distribute them.

Click Here

Luke in 33 Days: Read Luke 1:67–2:20

Wednesday 27 February

Read Luke 1:67–2:20


Zecharaiah prophesies over John the Baptist: 
“…for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, to give knowledge of salvation to his people by the forgiveness of their sins.  By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us…”
We witness the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem; shepherds go and see what has taken place; having seen the child they returned to their fields ‘glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen…’
The birth of Jesus is all about God’s love and grace.  God reaches out to us before we can even respond, all we can do is glorify and praise God as the shepherds do.


Zechariah’s prophecy over John is that he will ‘give knowledge of salvation to his people by the forgiveness of their sins.’  Spend some time confessing your own brokenness to God remembering the angel’s word to Mary, ‘nothing is impossible with God.’  Accept his forgiveness and healing.

Luke in 33 Days: Read Luke 1:39–66

Tuesday 26 February

Read Luke 1:39–66


When Mary went to visit Elizabeth, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and confirmed the good news of Jesus’ impending birth through Mary.  In response Mary sang: 
“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my savior for he has looked with favour on the lowliness of his servant.”
In her song Mary celebrates how God lifts up the lowly and brings down the proud.


In praying for yourself ask that God would help you to see where you need to be ‘brought down’ and where you need to be ‘lifted up’.
In praying for others, think about people you know who are oppressed at this time; pray that God’s Kingdom would come into those situations and set things straight.
Pray that our church would be a kingdom bringing community.

Luke in 33 Days: Read Luke 1:1–38

Monday 25 February

Read Luke 1:1–38


One of my favourite things about Luke is his intention to lay everything out in an orderly fashion.  He starts with the birth of Jesus and works his way through the history of the earliest Christians all the way to the end of Acts.  Ordering the events of about 100 years.
In these first 38 verses we hear news of two children to be born, John the Baptist and then Jesus.  The initial response to the announcement of these children is doubt and disbelief – the news is too spectacular, too good to be true.
The angels word to a disbelieving Mary is:
“For nothing will be impossible with God.”


Spend some time meditating on the angel’s word to Mary; bring to God the things that you struggle with, that keep you from being the person God created you to be.  Hear the angels words of hope:  “For nothing is impossible with God.”

Luke in 33 Days

I'll be blogging readings, thoughts and suggestions for prayer over the 33 days from 25 Feb to 30 March to coincide with a series on the life of Jesus that we will be preaching at Paarl and Franschhoek Methodist.  Feel free to subscribe to the blogsite if you would like to receive them.

They will also be posted automatically to

You can download a printable pdf of the first week's devotions here