Thursday 28 February
Read Luke 2:21–52
In this passage Jesus is named; his Hebrew name Yeshua means ‘God Saves,’ A reminder of God’s grace to us in sending
Jesus – not because of our righteousness but because of his love – he rescues,
saves us, redeems us. After his naming
ceremony the Holy Spirit prompts Simeon to prophesy over Jesus, and also Anna –
who ‘began to speak about the child to all who were looking for the redemption
of Jerusalem.’
Jesus’ name and the prophecies about him speak of the hope
that we can have in him; Hope that does not disappoint.
These 31 verses are about all we know of the first 30 or so
years of Jesus’ life.
Verse 52 sums it up:
‘And Jesus increased in wisdom and in years, and in divine
and human favour.’
If Jesus had to increase in wisdom and in divine and human
favour; then I’m sure we do too. Pray
for wisdom. Also pray for hope – especially
for those whom you know are struggling without hope at this time.