Luke in 33 Days: Read Luke 1:1–38

Monday 25 February

Read Luke 1:1–38


One of my favourite things about Luke is his intention to lay everything out in an orderly fashion.  He starts with the birth of Jesus and works his way through the history of the earliest Christians all the way to the end of Acts.  Ordering the events of about 100 years.
In these first 38 verses we hear news of two children to be born, John the Baptist and then Jesus.  The initial response to the announcement of these children is doubt and disbelief – the news is too spectacular, too good to be true.
The angels word to a disbelieving Mary is:
“For nothing will be impossible with God.”


Spend some time meditating on the angel’s word to Mary; bring to God the things that you struggle with, that keep you from being the person God created you to be.  Hear the angels words of hope:  “For nothing is impossible with God.”