Luke in 33 Days: Read Luke 7:1–35


Wednesday 6 March

Read Luke 7:1–35


Healing a Roman Centurion’s servant was probably not a very politically correct thing for Jesus to do.  The act reveals the wideness of the Messiah’s task – he even shows God’s love to foreigners, and foreigners reciprocate.  Jesus is amazed at the Roman centurions faith – in fact he has more faith than anyone in Israel.
Jesus then raises a widow’s son – illustrating God’s mercy and love for those who are disempowered and dispossessed.  God’s grace reaches to the powerful centurion and the humble widow.
This Messiah is confusing – shouldn’t he be only for the Jews, shouldn’t he be chasing the Roman soldiers out of town?


People are confused by Jesus; he is not who they expected him to be – and he seldom conforms to who we expect him to be.  Pray for an open heart – to allow ourselves to be surprised by this Messiah who doesn’t conform to our expectations.