9-13 September | Read Think Pray

9-13 September (18C)
Read Think Pray

Read Psalm 1


Psalm 1 is a very simple Psalm, presenting two paths.  The two paths are defined by what we pay attention to.  Those who pay attention to the advice of the wicked are not happy / blessed.  Those who pay attention to the ‘law’ of God are.


Pray for discerning ears and eyes; that we wouldn’t let the ‘advice of the wicked’ overwhelm the still small voice of God in our hearts.


Read Deuteronomy 30:15-20


Choose life. “Loving the LORD your God, obeying him, and holding fast to him; for that means life to you…” (Dt 30:19-20)
Yesterday’s Psalm spoke of those who pay attention to God as well watered trees.  This passage invites us to make God our number 1 priority – in so doing we are choosing life.
Jesus reveals God’s heart to us: “I have come to give you life and life in abundance!”
The key word is ‘choose.’


Lord, I often complain about things that rob me of life. But if I’m honest; I choose them for myself. Help me to choose rightly.


Read Philemon 1-21


This is a fascinating letter.  Paul writing to a slave owner about an escaped slave who has become a Christian; it turns out that the slave owner is also a Christian and Paul knows him. So the escaped slave returns to his owner with a letter from Paul asking for forgiveness for escaping and release from slavery.  (It would make a great movie!)


Lord, following you is sometimes quite difficult.  But it is the only way in which I truly become free.  Set me free from my addiction to so many other things and voices so that I can follow you in joy and freedom.


Read Luke 14:25-33


It seems strange; but Jesus seems to be trying to discourage people from following him.  He invites us to count the cost. Do we really want to follow Jesus?


Lord, following you is costly.  Help me not to lose heart.


Read Luke 15:1-10


I love the parable of the lost coin; verses 8-10. In my mind’s eye I try to picture the woman’s face from the coin’s perspective.  Bending over – peering into a dark corner; her eye’s and face lighting up with joy at the relief of finding her treasure.
This is the face of God.


Lord, help me to see myself as you see me.