Read Think Pray | 23-27 September

23-27 September

Read Think Pray

Read Psalm 113


I like the way that this Psalm is divided into two sections.  Verse 1-6 paint a picture of God’s greatness and power.  Verse 7-9 remind us that God is involved in the world at our level.
Raising the poor from the dust (Verse 7).
This is the God we serve; God who comes down to be with us in our difficulty and struggle.


Tell God what barrenness / dust / ash heaps you need help to get out of.  Concentrate more on telling God what’s happening than on telling him how to rescue you.


Read Amos 8:4-7


Eugene Peterson translates verse 4-6: “Listen to this, you who walk over the weak, you who treat the poor people as less than nothing…”
How have you been a victim of injustice?  How does it feel to hear that God is keeping tabs on what people are up to?
How have you been a perpetrator of injustice?


Lord I’m very aware of when people are unfair to me, but not very aware of when I am unfair to others.  Help me to see more clearly.


Read 1 Timothy 2:1-7


Paul calls us to pray for kings and all those in high positions, so that we may lead a ‘quiet and peacable life in all godliness and dignity.’
That is what God wants for the world – peace, godliness and dignity.  Paul reminds us to pray!
Do you pray for our countries leaders in business and politics?
Perhaps we should.


God bless Africa, Guard her children, Guide her leaders.  And give her peace.  Amen.


Read Luke 16:1-13


This really is a very confusing story.
In the light of chapter 15 (the story of the lost coin, lost sheep and prodigal son) I think it is about being generous with God’s grace.
Believing that God can forgive sinners like us.  But also knowing that God can forgive other sinners too.  It’s not up to us to do the judging.


Lord you forgive me so graciously but I am so reluctant to forgive others.  Help me.


Read 16:19-31


If I listen to this parable as myself I hear it as hard or bad news.  I’m more like the rich man than like Lazarus.
But if I were poor; I would hear this story as incredibly good and hopeful news. The news that justice will prevail.


Lord help us to recognize Lazarus at our gate.