2-6 September | Read Think Pray


Read Psalm 112


Verses 1-2 point to the idea that when we get our relationship right with God – we also put things right with our families.
Verse 4 reminds us that even if we are ‘righteous’ there will be times of darkness – but with God’s help they will rise through it and serve as a light to others.
The Psalmist points to the many blessings of putting things right with God; and only gives verse 10 to the wicked!


At the beginning of this week – I want to be right with you Lord.


Read Proverbs 25:6-7


This Proverb relates to the gospel reading for this week.  It is better to be told, ‘come up here’ than to be put lower in the presence of a noble.


Lord, do I need to be lifted up? Or do I need to be brought low?


Read Hebrews 13:1-8 (and 15-16)


So much wisdom in Hebrews 13:1-8.  Show hospitality.  Remember those who suffer – as if you were them!  Look after you marriage.  Keep your life free from the love of money.  Be content with what you have.


Lord, help me to say with confidence:
“The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.  What can anyone do to me?”
Also remember those who minister to prisoners in your prayers today.


Read Luke 14:1 & 7-14


Life is full of comparing ourselves to others.  Either to feel good about ourselves, or feel bad about ourselves.  Jesus encourages us to take a default position of considering ourselves to be the lowest of the low.  This is helpful – because Jesus is particularly helpful to the lowest; constantly lifting them up.


Lord, I think you that in my brokenness; your strength is revealed.


Read Luke 14:25-33


This is a difficult passage.  Jesus seems to say that if you’re not 100% committed to following him – you might as well stop.


Lord; help us to give you 100%.

26-30 August Read Think Pray


Read Psalm 103:1-8


I love verse 8 of this Psalm.
“The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.”
As you read through Vs 1-7 think of all the reasons you have to ‘Bless the Lord.’


Perhaps verse 5 is a good focus for your prayer.  Perhaps you are feeling run down and tired – in what areas of your life do you need God to ‘renew your youth like the eagle’s?’


Read Isaiah 58:9b–14


“If you remove the yoke from among you, the pointing of the finger, the speaking of evil…”
The yoke is a symbol of oppression – a way of tying oxen together to make them pull ploughs.  One of the things that oppresses us is our constant blaming each other (pointing fingers) and negative speaking (speaking of evil).
We could be a much more positive influence in our world if we spent less time complaining and more time doing.


One of the lines of the Lord’s prayer is ‘Thy Kingdom come.” Spend some time praying for God’s just Kingdom to come into our world.


Read Hebrews 12:(12)18-29


The writer to the Hebrews describes worship in the Old Testament – a moment when God made a covenant with Israel and there was fire and thunder.
From 22-29 the writer seems to describe worship after Jesus has come.  Part of that is listening to and obeying the words of Jesus.


‘Our God is indeed a destroying fire.’
Ask God to purify you – to cleanse away those things that keep you from obedience to Jesus.


Read Luke 13:10-17


Religion that is meant to set us free can easily oppress us.  Jesus wanted to show that the Sabbath was for good – not for oppression.  So he healed people on the Sabbath and got into trouble for doing it.
We always need to check ourselves – to see that our faith is liberating, rather than oppressing.


‘She was bent over and was quite unable to stand up straight.’
Bring ‘the burdens that bend you’ to God.
Imagine Jesus placing his hands on you – and feel the weight of those burdens lift.
(Verse 13)


Read Luke 14:1 & 7-14


How do we move from being people who are almost always selfishly motivated to being people who are motivated by generosity.  Jesus suggests we should put ourselves last – he suggests we should give to those who have nothing to give in return.  Our culture tells us to look after ourselves.


Ask God to help us become less self focused and more outwardly focused.
What one generous thing can you do without hope of reward this weekend?