Luke in 33 Days: Read Luke 9:28–62

Read Luke 9:28–62


The transfiguration of Jesus is a moment on top of the mountain when Jesus’ closest disciples get to see him for who he really is.  Peter has already confessed that he is the Messiah – but his understanding must grow even more.
From the mountain Jesus returns to ministry, he heals a boy with a demon – but other disciples could not. The disciples seem to be getting competitive about who has more power – who can do more good – who is the best.
Jesus reminds them that in the Kingdom of God the least is the greatest.
Verse 51 tells us that at this point Jesus “set his face to go to Jerusalem.”  It is at this point that Jesus begins his journey towards the cross; where by becoming the least – he will become the greatest.


We, like the disciples, long to cling on to the high moments – the moments of success, of comfort.  Seeing Jesus’ transfigured on the mountain is a moment that they want to hold on to.
But life moves.  Sometimes along difficult paths.
Pray for the resolve to remember that Jesus travels those paths with you.