Inner Child

I often dismiss the Spiritual Advisors advice to me to nurture my 'inner child'.

I remember my father talking to me in the car one day when I must have been about 10 years old.  He said "Pog," (that was my family's nick name for me) "you've lost your laugh."  I remember the laugh that I had lost - it was a belly laugh; my daughter has it... it rumbles up from deep within her and bursts out of her mouth when something is funny.

This morning Facebook reminded me of a memory of my son, 5 years ago when he was 2 years old eating a chocolate cupcake with a smile as wide as the moon.  And chocolate everywhere.

Last night after story time I asked my children: "How can I pray for you?"  My son asked that I pray that he passes his tests at school.

As I look at the nearly 2 year old and the 7 year old that he has become I am sad to see that his 'inner child' is slowly being buried beneath the cares of this world.  I know that my 'inner child' is also firmly buried under the pressure of day to day life.  And I'm sad to confess that I might be a part of the team of circumstances that are slowly pressing his 'inner child' into submission.

But God created me in his image.  That inner child - in its purest form is God's image in me.

So I'm learning to rediscover that 'inner child'.

I'm learning to play more games and not take life as seriously as I seem to be taking it at the moment.  On the weekend we bought Nerf Guns and shot each other; I need more of that.

I need to watch less news and listen to less talk radio and learn to dance and sing more.

Jesus reminds us:

"...unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
- Matthew 18:3

So - pray for us, pray for our humanity, pray for me pray for the safety and security that every child of God needs.

And play more.