Read Think Pray for 29September - Proper 22C

30 September – 4 October
Read Think Pray


[I have to apologise for getting my weeks mixed up!  This should be next week's reflections.]


Read Psalm 37:1-9


Psalm 37 is full of wisdom.  One thing it challenges me to do is be a little less greedy – and learn to be content.  It makes me think of Paul’s words:
…I have learnt to be content with whatever I have.
- Philippians 4:10


Be still before the LORD,
and wait patiently for him.
- Psalm 37:3


Read Habakkuk 1:1-3; 2:1-4


In the 7th Century before Christ the prophet Habakkuk stood up to speak out against the corruption of those who were powerful.  I particularly like 2:3-4.
You might be tempted to be a part of the corruption – a part of the injustice of the world.  But know that ‘your spirit will not be right within you’.  ‘The righteous live by their faith.’


Lord, sometimes I want to take things into my own hands in order to get what I want.  Help me to let go of what I want, and trust you for what I need.  So that my Spirit would be right within me.


Read 2 Timothy 1:1-14


Paul speaks so fondly of his friend and son in the faith.  What seems to stand out for Paul as he writes is Timothy’s ‘sincere faith’.  One of my dictionaries describes the word as: ‘lacking in pretense or show.’
Paul is fond of Timothy and he seems to be encouraging him to ‘just be himself’.


Lord, help me to remember who you created me to be.


Read Luke 17:5-10


It might sound strange.  But sometimes we admire ourselves for our own righteousness. In verses 8-10 Jesus speaks about how slaves simply do what they are commanded to do without congratulating themselves for doing it.
Perhaps we ought to a bit more like humble slaves in our service of God?


Lord, help me to serve you just because you are God and I am not.


Read Luke 17:11-19


In this story Jesus cleanses all ten lepers but only one of them is ‘made well.’  The one that returns to Jesus to give thanks.  Interestingly; it is not Jesus who makes the leper well.  It is the leper’s faith.


Spend some time giving thanks for all that God has done for you.